Parachute Plus: Your ready-to-deliver employee well-being programme
Unlock high performance and well-being throughout your team!
Workplace mindfulness programmes are having a huge impact on businesses across the UK. Improving your teams focus, creativity, attendance, and decision-making.
We have a ready-made solution designed to upskill a designated employee (a mindfulness/well-being champion within your business) with all the skills and resources they need to deliver mindfulness to your wider team, for years to come!
They will learn a range of simple strategies that will enable them to rewire their brains, combat stress and reach their full potential.

Teams who have previously implemented our programme have reported:
- Significant reduction in stress levels
- Sustainable improvement in quality of life
- Reduction in sick days
- Improved team moral and working relationships
- Feeling valued by their employer
- Improved retention rates
Things like stress and poor mental health are costing your business!
With the pressure of the modern workplace more acute than ever before, stress related outcomes are costing UK businesses billions of pounds every year.
These include:
- Poor performance
- Reduced productivity
- Low Morale
- Decreased Loyalty and Commitment
- High Staff Turnover
- Personal and Team Conflict
- Poor Communication between Management and Employees
- Damage to Customer Relations
- Absenteeism

What does the programme cover:
- Throughout the train-the-trainer programme your mindfulness champion will learn in detail a series of seven mindfulness techniques, which are designed to help you feel less stressed, become calm, confident and in control of your emotions. Plus, much more!
- We train just one member of your team (through five 1 hour or four 75 minute sessions delivered over Zoom) and equip them with the tools to share easy to follow, high impact mindfulness techniques with the rest of your staff. (Which offers you a sustainable, preventative and proactive approach to improving the mental health of your whole team.
- These are expert-led sessions (by a MindfulnessUK trained teacher) focused on the science of mindfulness.
View our full course outline here.